
January Goals

**just a note- I made tabs for my blog! And the travel one has a photo collage!! I have started the first week of 2011 by staying home sick from work, so between naps and movies I've been playing online:) Go check it out!**

Even though last month I definitely did not meet all of my goals, I still liked having them, so I'm going to try again for January ---
  • keeping in line with my  New Years Resolutions: 
    • exercise at least 2.5 hours/week.
    • read at least 4 books, so that I'm well on my way to 52 in 2011. 
    • drink water
    • take vitamins
    • start the bedtime routine
    • blog 3x/week (at least)
  • update my CV/resume and track down recommendation letters for jobs
  • make a dissertation submission timeline and run it by my whole committee
  • have a wonderful MLK weekend celebration for Lindsay's shower/bachelorette celebration, and stay within my spending budget while doing so:)
  • successfully plan most if not all of Anna's bachelorette festivities for February!
  • organize my recipes: when I saw Katie over last weekend, she gave me an awesome recipe binder instead of a cookbook for an engagement present, and since I absolutely love it I want to start using it. 
  • finally finish decorating our apartment (mostly meaning pictures) - we've lived here for almost a year a half. it's time.
  • and, perhaps most exciting... I am on track to completely pay off my credit cards in January! since one of them has had a balance since I studied abroad in college (yes, I know that's bad. I paid for everything myself, and I don't exactly make bank as a graduate student. But I reformed and now am much better with money) this is a HUGE deal to me, and something I am looking forward to celebrating!
I'm a little overly ambitious - but I like having things to reach for, so it works for me!
What are your goals this month? Anything exciting going on?

another note- 2 a day again! Don't get excited. This won't continue.

1 comment:

  1. My goal is to add those awesome tabs to my blog too! How cool! As in I am going to do such right now.
